Monday, October 20, 2008
Can't believe its almost the end of October!?!?! Kinda been MIA technology wise, sorry! I spent two months in WI and Chicago visiting family & friends and raising support. Now I've been at Sara's for almost three weeks & will be here till the end of October when I move up to Richmond! I've been keeping busy helping out at Sara's church and entertaining the neighbor kids. Its been a crazy year of learning, traveling, playing, reading, doctors, and friends. Its also been a hard year, but definitely faith strengthening! Two big ways are in health & provisions. Many people have prayed for so long about my crazy health and God has always provided strength & encouragement through the pains. I'm a big believer in God using bad things for good and His faithfulness in being strong when we're weak. I am also very thankful for the latest finding of my gluten allergy and how much it has helped! This is the best I've felt in sixteen years! Definitely the answer to many faithful prayers! Another big way that my faith has been strengthened is reflecting on how God continues to provide!!! I've seen it my whole life, but through a microscope this past year! After leaving Chicago: selling my car (which allowed me to pay my dad for it completely & be debt free!), downsizing my expenses to a phone bill & health insurance, and ready to see what God had in store! I am amazed at how God provided in big ways and in the small; how He used supporters, babysitting jobs and generous friends. He provided in abundance! I never went without and was blessed beyond measure!!! So here's my attempt to "thank you Lord , in front of all the people. To sing your praises among the nations. For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds!" Psalm 57:9-10 May I always live in over-flowin gratitude!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Richmond & the Roy's
I've been in Richmond, CA now for over a month. Its gone fast!! I've enjoyed being a part of the Roy family and getting to know the church and community. Its a great city with a lot of diversity in its people and landscape. Its right near Oakland and San Francisco. Its surrounded by hills/ mountains and right along the bay. The church is a restart that Aaron is the pastor of. There are a lot of ministry opportunities and a lot on the horizon for the church. I've spent a lot of time with Sugar and the kids...always entertaining! Aaron- 4, Isaiah-3 & Eden turns 1 next week. It looks like I'll be here until the end of the month and then Sara will come get me and head back to LA for a couple weeks. Then back to the midwest to visit family and Chicago! My headaches have actually been a bit better lately, even without the chiropractor!!! Pray for wisdom as I decide about where God wants me!!! I can't believe in a couple months it will be a year since I left Chicago...crazy!
This is a picture of the church from their front yard. Its only a block away.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Encouraging Kids
I started going to the prayer/ praise service thursday nights at the church. And last thursday one of the neighbor boys (7 yrs old) followed me over and stayed. He came prepared with his brown playdough and water bottle! He actually did very well- sometimes praying, sometimes doing math problems. After it was over I stayed and a few people were praying for my head/ neck/ jaw and I could hear Osvaldo standing on the pew behind me and then put his hand on my head like the others were doing. He later told me he asked God to care for me. Kids always have a stand out way of encouraging me. And they deffinitely keep me entertained!
I'm taking the bus & train up to Richmond, CA (near San Francisco) this friday to stay with the Roy's for a while. I'm very excited to see Aaron & Sugar and the kids!!! And check out their new community and church. I can't believe its May already!!!
I'm taking the bus & train up to Richmond, CA (near San Francisco) this friday to stay with the Roy's for a while. I'm very excited to see Aaron & Sugar and the kids!!! And check out their new community and church. I can't believe its May already!!!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Mountain Moved!!
Thanks for praying! I went to the dentist (I actually hadn't been to one in 8 years- not good I know). They did x-rays and the dentist looked at my teeth after I explained my health history and current concerns- it always takes a while! And the he said that I have no cavities and there are no problems at all & my teeth, gums, etc. look quite good- especially after having been MIA from the dental world for so long! I asked "are you sure?" He said yep. I definitely know God's been at work there! The pain in my jaw and numbness in my ear and surrounding area was from my TMJ problems (jaw joint craziness) (that was one of my guesses, but my imagination went in other directions too). I've worn a mouth guard at night since college to help stabilize my jaw and since going to the chiropractor here, he said to try not wearing it, apparently I really need to! I kept thinking of Tori and Michelle though cause I would always ask them "have you ever had it when......(some sort of crazy health thing happening to me)" and they would always look at me crazy and say 'no'!!! I'm sure this would be another one. Please keep praying for me though cause my head & neck still hurts all the time among other things and it's been really frustrating, especially when there is no real reason medically. Back in High School God cured me from Pancreatitus after a year in and out of the hospital when no one could explain it. So, I know He can do it again, I'm ready!!!
A couple weeks ago I went in to a small christian bookstore that recently opened a few blocks from the church to look for a book. It's owned by a mother and daughter and I got to talking with Blanca (the mom) and she was saying how busy she was trying to do everything and they just started so they didn't have extra money to hire people, so I've started going in one day a week to help out how ever I can. I've really enjoyed getting to know her and being an encouragement to her. Pray for them and the store that it would continue to grow and be a blessing to the community!!! I've been praying that God would show me different ways to bless others and when something just jumps out at you- it's neat!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Prayer Moves Mountains
The last few days I have been really reminded that God is always with me no matter what. He reminded Joshua over and over not to be afraid or discouraged, but to be strong and courageous because God is with him wherever he goes. God has been challenging me with these same words. Especially lately as I am once again facing a crazy health thing. My left ear has been feeling numb and sore and spreading down my neck and jaw. Its really annoying and kinda scary. My continuous health drama has gotten pretty discouraging and sometimes brings fear. So the only thing I can do is to trust God's word and His undeniable hand in my life. I know that God can do anything and its no stretch for Him to bring total healing! I know He also uses suffering to grow us stronger in Him! I've grown from all this and have seen God's faithfulness. I am so thankful for so many faithful people praying for me and encouraging me in all this!!!! So, please pray with me this week as I am going to a free clinic in Watts on Thursday to get my jaw, ear, teeth checked out. Pray that God would move a mountain and bring healing!!! Thanks!!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Stow-aways & Flammin Hots
Well, I've been getting back into life here in LA and got back to the chiropractor today!! A couple days after I got back I was unpacking and had left a couple piles of stuff on the floor of my room and as I got to the bottom of them....I saw something was a rather large cockroach....the likes of which I saw at the airport in Nairobi! I attempted to corner it and smash it....but it got a way and I had to move the dresser quickly so it wouldn't disappear completely. Thankfully I was able to kill it and am praying that he didn't bring friends! Another eventful day was being able to go as a chaperone with sixty third graders from a school in Compton to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana. A friend is a teacher there and needed a last minute volunteer. It was a lot of fun and the kids even shared their flammin hots with me at lunch! I missed them- no flammin hots in Africa! I'm excited to eat Mexican food again too! Didn't find much in Africa. And for some reason the other night I was driving to the grocery store and when I turned in there was no one in the other lane and I completely blanked on which side of the road I was supposed to be on!!!! Not good. In Uganda they drive on the opposite side. I didn't even drive there, but I guess I road enough to get confused. Hopefully that won't happen again! :) Also the neighbor kids are back and we've been having some homework sessions on the picnic table. I've been hearing how cold and snowy its been back home and am thankful to be back in 70's and sunny every day!!! Sorry to all of you in the cold. Later...Ann
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Rwanda & Kenya & LA
Well, I made it back with no problems!!! Very tired, but all in one piece! I was able to spend a day and a half in Kigali, Rwanda seeing the city and spending time with a few different missionary families. I saw the effects of the genocide still evident and drove by the "Hotel Rwanda". Renee and I went on a city search for some pottery to take back and had some home roasted coffee! So good! It was hard to say good bye to my friends after being such a part of their lives for so long. I miss them already. I am so thankful that God worked it out for me to then see Shayla in Nairobi for three days!!! It was great to catch up on each others time in Africa. We also walked all over Nairobi seeing the sights and visiting people. One day we decided to have the theme of "where ever the wind blows us" and took the bus downtown to walk around the city. The wind blew us through a big park and took us to the swings for a bit then past the All Saints Cathedral and over to a hotel for cokes and nachos (at least the african version- still good). This then lead to our big adventure of the day.....when paying the bill, Shayla realized she didn't bring as much money as she thought and we had just enough to cover the bill but no extra to cover the bus fare home!! So, we had to come up with a plan to find bus fare. We did have two phone cards that we bought for her roommate and decided our only hope was to sell one on the street, which produced much laughing. We walked out of the hotel and looked all around wondering where to begin. I saw a man walking by with his phone out and decided to ask if he used Celtel. He said no, but wondered about the strange question which lead us to explain our predicament. He laughed with us and thankfully was very nice and so we got to talking and found out he lives not too far from Shayla and felt bad for us and gave us the 60 shillings we needed for the bus. We were relieved that we didn't need to sell the phone card and that God sent us such a nice person to help. So we laughed the whole way to the bus stop and arrived home with a good story! That night we went to dinner at her host families house and were watching the news (the first TV I'd seen in over two months) and there was a story about how the city was going to crack down on hawkers.....again we had a good laugh at our new profession!!! Yeah for adventure! I then flew from Nairobi to Amsterdam (8 hrs) then wandered around the Amsterdam airport for 8 hrs reading, dozing, and finding samples of cheese, chocolates, and cookies at the different shops to eat during the day (thanks to Dad for instilling in me that free is best!!!). Don't worry I did buy myself lunch! Then had the ten hour flight back to LA where Sara picked me and my luggage up at 3:30 on Friday. I went to a baby shower for the family that I've been babysitting for in LA that night and didn't stay real long since I was falling asleep and feeling quite dizzy. I made it to 9:30 and then crashed and had a great long night sleep!!!! It seems like I'd been gone forever and yet also that I just left. Thanks for all the prayers and continued interest in my adventures!!!! I sat in the Nairobi airport waiting for my flight to board listening to the Israel and New Breed song "If not for your grace" and just reflecting on all that God has blessed me with and allowed me to do and provided and protected and challenged and taught me and just how thankful I am for God's un-ending grace in my life!! Its really amazing to me to look back and see His faithfulness and above and beyond blessings! Yeah God!!!! Later...Ann
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Last Days
Only a day and a half left. The last two weeks went fast. We did the normal daily stuff and took a couple trips to the Islands again, one for pre-school (one of the families live on one of the islands and we went to their house to do pre-school) and one afternoon for a birthday party. We also took the girls to their friend's house (an Indian family that owns the supermarket) so the girls could learn how to put on a Sari and Renee and I could learn some Indian cooking! Very fun and very good. -Sara, I bought some of the spices so I can show you what I learned!!- This last week though we were at home most of the time because Brian got Malaria and was quite sick (but doing better now) and Renee and I had bad colds. The kids were fine and had lots of energy! We are all feeling better now! Tonight we are having the youth Bible study from the church over to have an American feast! We are making jello, hamburgers, pizza, mac&cheese, peanut butter cookies, salad, & quesedias. They've been talking about doing this for a while. We'll see what they like! Tomorrow is church and then Monday morning we all drive to Rwanda for the day and night to visit some missionary families and see the area. Then my flight leaves around noon Tuesday to Nairobi, where I'll spend a couple days with Shayla and see what she's been doing the last 8 months! Then I fly through Amsterdam again with a long layover and get back to LA in the afternoon on Friday. Please pray for all my traveling and layovers and health!!!! My next blog will be from LA! Later!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Lake Bunyonyi
Friday, February 8, 2008
Kabale & the Davis Family
We are back in Kabale and it has been chilly and rainy...big difference from Kampala's sunshine and heat. Kabale is at 8,000 ft elevation. It is never a dull moment at the Davis house. With three lively girls and twin seven month olds, there is lots to do. The electricity has been off a lot of the time, so we've eaten four of the last five dinners in candle light. Also due to the power outages, there were three days where no water was getting up the hill to their house and the reserve tank was almost dry, so we really conserved, which brought on creativity! Thankfully the water was restored!! I have been helping Juli (six & a half) with some of her school work and reading lots of books and announcing fashion shows and playing games. Tonight is pizza movie night and the special feature is "Ratatouie" which they just got in the mail for Christmas! We're praying that the power stays on strong! I have been enjoying helping Renee in the kitchen as she has to make everything from scratch...even tortillas and chips and ice cream and pizza sauce. She also makes really good homemade sugar roasted peanuts. Their family is going to be taking a new position as short-term and mid-term coordinators and moving their family up to Kampala. They have looked for houses at the beginning and end of my time up in Kampala. They have had no luck finding places that would work for their family and fit their budget and be close to the ministry site. Some of the land agents even laughed at the idea. So...please pray that God would provide just what they need!!! Keep praying for my head too! I had a better day on Wednesday! But mostly still the same. Thanks for your prayers!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hope Alive!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The first two weeks...
Its already been two weeks! Sara leaves tomorrow and I leave for Kampala on the bus. So I thought I'd add some pictures and a glimpse of whats been going on so far.
This is Sara and I in Amsterdam. We spent the first six days in Jinja at a resort on the Nile and watched the kids. There were a lot of monkeys running around!!!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year from Uganda!
We made it! The trip went great, even though we only got like 2 hours of sleep in two days! We flew overnight 9 1/2 hours to Amsterdam and then spent 8 hours in Amsterdam by taking a train into Amsterdam Central and walking around the city and got coffee at the Youth With a Mission book store/ cafe. Then another overnight flight of 8 hours to Nairobi, Kenya then a short one hour flight to Entebbe, Uganda where my friends picked us up (we got all our luggage!) and we drove to Kampala and spent the night at the MAF (mission aviation fellowship) guest house. I was so tired that night I could hardly keep my eyes open at dinner. Today we drove two hours to Jinja where we'll be staying till the 7th at this nice resort over looking the Nile river (there's little Geccos crawling around our room!). Sara and I will be watching/ entertaining- with the help of the pool! six kids, while their parents are in meetings. Its been really warm (high eighties) durring the day and a little cooler at night. We are 8 hours ahead of Chicago time. Thanks for praying! Happy New Year!
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