Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Some Pictures!!

I got a Disney Season pass with my birthday money!! Sara had one and only lives fifteen minutes from Disneyland! We go like every monday! I got a special button for my birthday. I turned thirty and decided to do something kid like!

This is Sara and I on our way back from a few days up in the mountains at Big Bear. Her friend's family has a cabin and we joined them for a relaxing weekend after Thanksgiving and celebrated my B-day in the mountains & in the cold!

This is when my parents came out for a week at the end of October after they returned from their 8th annual missions trip to Mexico.

These are two of our neighbor kids and a very tiny cute turtle! The kids are in our art classes at the after school program and spend a lot of time coloring and chasing Jello at our house!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A sorta normal day in the LA life of Ann!

Well, I was thinking that I would give everyone a mini glimpse of my new day to day. A week day typically starts with Sara and I going for a walk around the neighborhood, returning to me making us coffee and watching the Rachael Ray TV cooking & etc. show and Sara going to work. Then I spend time with God reading the Bible and praying. I will then either go to the chiropractor or do some cleaning, errands, reading, playing with Sara's cat Jello using the laser light my mom brought that makes Jello run frantically all over the living room (much fun for both of us!) etc. Sara usually comes home to me making lunch (sometimes using new ideas from the previously watched Rachael Ray show, which she is liking very much! I'm like a stay at home sister.) After lunch I go to work with Sara and volunteer with whatever they need: mailings, planning the art classes, entering stuff, making copies, hanging pictures, etc. or research for Uganda. Then I either help lead the after school kids art classes or color/hang out with the neighbor kids. I also usually make dinner for Sara and I and maybe a few others that show up. The other day I decided to paint and stencil Sara's picnic table and benches and fix up her backyard. Then the evenings usually consist of babysitting or choir practice or reading somewhere or whatever else God may bring. Weekends tend to vary. Last Sunday we decided to start a new lunch event: people always go out after church together, but we decided to take turns cooking at different people's houses and started with us. I made stir-fry and pineapple/mango cake and Sara said to plan for around fifteen....but twenty five ended up coming, so I prayed for the food to multiply like the loaves and fish and we ended up with just enough for everyone! Well, this is kinda the basics so you can get an idea! I am working on buying our plane tickets to Entebbe and getting our shots figured out. Only alittle over a month till I leave for Uganda!!! On my way back in March I get to stop over in Nairobi, Kenya to visit my friend and long time volunteer at Sunshine, Shayla, who is there for nine excited!! Well, that's all for now!