Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New Adventure

God has been so faithful to me over the years at Sunshine. I have been thinking back through the last nine years that I have been involved at Sunshine and seen how often God has provided, protected, and blessed me. There are so many people who God has used to touch my life in such unique ways. I want to thank each one of you for your role in my life and ministry!
While at Sunshine, people would always ask “how long I planned on staying”. And I always new so strongly that God had me here and that I would stay until He made it very clear otherwise. Over the last few months, God has brought together many confirmations that this is such a time, that He has something new for my future in ministry. I have been doing a study on the book of Daniel and how faithful he was to God and all the big things that God did in his life in response to his obedience and faith. This has gotten me thinking and praying about how fear can hold us back from stepping out in faith. I have been convinced that God wants me to step out in faith and follow Him to a new place. The place isn’t clear yet, but I know God wants to teach me some new lessons and stretch me in a way that He can’t do here. I’m sure you’re surprised by this, as was I. I keep thinking how big this is and yet God keeps reconfirming and encouraging me in the process. I love Sunshine and all my friends here and this will be a huge transition, as I have spent my whole adult life in Chicago and mostly at Sunshine.
So, the plan is to finish my time here at the end of September and embark on a “vision trip” of sorts to a few places that God has kept in the back of my head for a while. The first is to stay with my sister in LA for two months and check out her church there and see if there would be some type of role for me. Then travel to Uganda for two months and stay with some friends of mine who are missionaries and see if there would be a role for me there. After that, I’m not sure what’s next, maybe God has something for me that’s not ready yet. I will definitely keep everyone posted on what God is doing and the whole process till I know where I will be long term. Come October, I will still have travel expenses and a few ongoing bills if you feel led to continue supporting me directly. I may or may not need to raise support again depending on where God leads me. I still plan to be in ministry in a diverse setting, connected to the local church and in a warm climate!!! Please pray for me as I finish my time in Chicago and as I travel to each new place!

As I start on these journeys, I wanted to keep everyone updated and so I decided to start this blog!!! I hope you enjoy my crazy life and pray for me as I seek to follow God on this new adventure!!!


Shayla Jacquot said...

So glad you are an official "blogger"!! I just wanted to be the first to comment on the new addition to your life...the Blog:) I look forward to reading more updates and seeing more pics! Thanks for being a great friend! I know the Lord has plans unsearchable in store for you!

Julissa said...

hi! thanks for letting me stay at your house. it was nice seeing you... you'll have to come visit us again sometime this summer. we'll miss you when you leave! love ya!
Julissa (and Sharon =])