Monday, February 18, 2008

Lake Bunyonyi

Right in Kabale is a big lake that has hundreds of islands. We took the kids for the afternoon to one of the camps on the lake to eat and swim and play. Then last week Renee, the twins, and another missionary (who's here for a year) and I went to one of the islands (Bushara Island Camp) to stay for a three day get away! We all stayed in one of the cottages and had a porch that overlooked the lake. We got to eat a great breakfast out there. There was no electricity, so we used lanterns and played games at night. We even had a campfire and found sticks to roast the marshmallows that Renee and I made (they're easy to make!). It rained one day but the others were beautiful. The island is about one mile in circumfrance and has lots of trees. All over the islands there are like 300 species of birds. We went on a bird watching hike around the island with a guide and we found 25 different birds. Another day we had a dance group from the area come and perform local dances and songs. Everyone loved the twins and so we had instant babysitters for part of the day. Twins are a big deal here, they bring much blessing! It is such a beautiful area and reminded us of how great God's creation is and how creative He was in making so many different varieties of plants and birds. On Thursday Brian is leaving to go house hunting in Kampala for a week again, so Renee is very happy I'm here to help! I can't believe there are only two and a half weeks left. Its gone fast! Later...Ann

Friday, February 8, 2008

Kabale & the Davis Family

We are back in Kabale and it has been chilly and rainy...big difference from Kampala's sunshine and heat. Kabale is at 8,000 ft elevation. It is never a dull moment at the Davis house. With three lively girls and twin seven month olds, there is lots to do. The electricity has been off a lot of the time, so we've eaten four of the last five dinners in candle light. Also due to the power outages, there were three days where no water was getting up the hill to their house and the reserve tank was almost dry, so we really conserved, which brought on creativity! Thankfully the water was restored!! I have been helping Juli (six & a half) with some of her school work and reading lots of books and announcing fashion shows and playing games. Tonight is pizza movie night and the special feature is "Ratatouie" which they just got in the mail for Christmas! We're praying that the power stays on strong! I have been enjoying helping Renee in the kitchen as she has to make everything from scratch...even tortillas and chips and ice cream and pizza sauce. She also makes really good homemade sugar roasted peanuts. Their family is going to be taking a new position as short-term and mid-term coordinators and moving their family up to Kampala. They have looked for houses at the beginning and end of my time up in Kampala. They have had no luck finding places that would work for their family and fit their budget and be close to the ministry site. Some of the land agents even laughed at the idea. So...please pray that God would provide just what they need!!! Keep praying for my head too! I had a better day on Wednesday! But mostly still the same. Thanks for your prayers!!